Announcing the winner of the 2023 Lightscatter Press Prize
Reading Water, by Derek J.G.Williams
Judge Eduardo Corral: "In this mesmerizing book, the ‘rich vanishing seasons’ of life are rendered beautifully. Each poem about family, each about travel, each poem about love is fluid and precise and memorable. Memory, here, is the ‘strongest /
of the senses’ and its strength is amplified by a deft shaping of the line and a startling imagination rippling in the phrasing, in the imagery."

Derek J.G. Williams is an American writer and the author of Poetry Is a Disease (Greying Ghost Press 2022). He holds a doctorate in English and Creative Writing from Ohio University, and an MFA from the University of Massachusetts, Boston. His poems and prose are published in Pleiades, The Writer’s Chronicle, Banshee, Salamander, Best New Poets, Prairie Schooner, and elsewhere. He lives in Germany with his family. Learn more about him at derekjgwilliams.com.

Lightscatter Press Prize winner
EVENINGFUL by Jennifer Whalen
From judge Rick Barot's citation:
"Eveningful is about elation and sorrow and the way they can happen almost at the same time, together. The poems are about an avid delight, yes: “Like sleeping / in someone’s favorite sweater, waking up / with its fine threads in my mouth.” And also yes: “Sometimes the rain / has to start, then stop. Your life will be full / of something; that will have to be enough.”

2020 Lightscatter Press Prize winner available in the shop
the book and|the book plus
Lightscatter Press's books trigger multiple acts and sites of reading, a model that we articulate as the book and, or the book plus: the book launches both its textual self as well as multimedia artifacts and experiences that expand the worlds in which the reader can encounter the text.