Lightscatter Press is an independent nonprofit literary press with 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status. We seek to preserve and extend the material, tactile experience of the printed, bound text through beautiful, innovative design that integrates digital artifacts and experiences created for and with the printed text.
Board of Directors
Danielle Susi
Katherine Allred
Natalie Young
Ben Gunsberg
Tacey Atsitty
Lisa Bickmore
Read more about the board.

Our Mission
When light encounters an object, it bends and scatters: as a form of energy, it passes through the air, then shifts and deflects in ways not entirely predictable. At Lightscatter Press, we seek to publish the work of writers whose writing diffracts as it meets the world, finding life and light in multiple mediums. Our books seek to engage readers at multiple points and through multiple modes of access: auditory, visual, spatial, gestural, and alphabetic. Thus, every book published by Lightscatter triggers multiple acts and sites of reading, a model that we articulate as the book and, or the book plus: the book launches both its textual self as well as multimedia artifacts and experiences that expand the worlds in which the reader can encounter the text.
Lightscatter Press seeks to promote emerging writers who represent a spectrum of voices, experience, and identities.
Lightscatter Press believes that publishing books with multiple points of access invites more readers and writers in.
Lightscatter Press is about creating the more in the writing we publish.
Lightscatter Press’s board represents a spectrum of voices, experience, identities, abilities.